Deep Into the Woods

Deep Into the Woods

copyright © Nazli Aktuglu

A larper getting ready for the game.
Shooting a larp game is challenging because everything happens spontaneously so there is no way knowing what will occur when. Games usually take place in the woods where there is little light.
So trying to catch the action requires higher shutter speed but with the lack of good light, higher ISO is a must (since there is no choreography/ specific spots, I need to move with the gamers – so tripod is not an option)
As a beginner, these games help me to practice my skills as a photographer 🙂

Posted by NazliAktuglu on 2017-02-13 10:31:09

Tagged: , #Canon600D , #canon , #LARP , #action , #actiongames , #game , #games , #character , #hero , #knight , #costume , #acting , #roleplaying , #man , #caucasian , #people , #wood , #fun , #entertainment , #life , #sword , #fantasy